2021-05-05 好牧人

〈耕心筆記〉同受  Bearing Together

楚雲 楚雲 追蹤

◎作者楚雲  譯者王美萱

基督的受苦                              The suffering of Christ
其實並未完成                          In fact is not complete
至今                                         Until now
愛仍被詆毁                              Love still being slandered
恩仍被誤解                              Kindness still being misunderstood
名仍被褻瀆                              Name still being blasphemed
存在仍被否定                          Being still being negated
祂                                            He
繼續承受憂傷                          Continues to bear the sorrow
要等愛祂的人前來靠近            Waiting for those who love Him to draw near
聖徒們啊                                  Oh ye saints
別在祂身邊缺席                       Do not be absent from His side
別讓祂獨自心痛                       Do not let his heart aches alone
我們來和祂一同收受                        Let us come and together bear with Him
人的曲解                                  People’s misinterpretation
人的凌辱                                  People’s insult
人的排擠                                  People’s exclusion
人的無情棄絕                          People’s ruthless banishment                    
人的無理咒罵與撻伐                        People’s unreasonable cursing and accusations
不讓祂一人走苦路                   Do not let Him walk this path of pain alone
不讓他一人孤懸半空                        Do not let Him hang in the air alone
需要受苦之地                          To the place where suffering is warranted
求主帶著我們一起                   Please Lord, take us with you
我們就近染紅的十字架            We will come near the bloodied cross
並定晴仰望孤獨的祂                        And lift our eyes to the one alone
無悔的                                     With no regrets
到底                                         Until the end
陪祂                                         To keep Him company

〈 在台北動蕩街頭禱告繞行七次有感〉

Reflections from prayer walking 7 times in tumultuous Taipei


