2021-05-04 好牧人

〈耕心筆記〉痛苦  Pain

楚雲 楚雲 追蹤

◎作者楚雲  譯者王美萱

所有生命傾向都潛伏著痛苦             In all inclinations in life pain lurks      
為在歧路上使人清醒                                To awaken those on the crossroads
讓你重新分辨                                  So you can decipher once again
正途精準的方位                               The exact direction of the right path
帶進這種巨大效益的痛苦                Pain that ushers in such huge benefits
令人敬畏且值得忍耐                                Deserves to be awed and to be endured
時候一到                                          When the time comes
痛苦就毫不戀棧的離席                    Pain immediately departs with no hesitation
讓位給守候多時                               To make room for that long awaiting
潛藏在更深處隱密的安慰                Comfort that lurks in the deeper hidden place
帶著温暖的脚踪和醫治                    Bearing warmth in the footsteps and healing
迅速登場                                          Quickly debuts
輕輕抹去你所有的眼淚                    Gently wiping away all your tears




2024-11-06 基督教論壇報 / 見證宣教
2024-11-06 基督教論壇報 / 見證宣教
耐心等候 經歷「即或不然」的恩典